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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Review- Barry M Gelly Polish

Since I've missed a couple of days in putting up blog posts, I thought since this was already pretty much written I would finish writing it and put it up now. It's help minimise my guilt in myself for missing a couple of days!
Recently, I've heard so much praise and hype surrounding the Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine nail polishes. I decided to buy one about a month ago and thought I'd share my views with you now.

First Impressions

The colour I decided to buy was 'Greenberry' which is a very vibrant, quite neon, green turquoise colour. This bright colour really grabbed my attention as I hadn't seen a colour quite like it before and I thought would be perfect for summer, particularly as there seems to be a popular neon trend at the moment.

Despite how silly it might sound, I really like the bottle. The mirrored lid makes it stand out from the other Barry M nail paints and looks quite classy.

'Hi- Shine' Claim

So Barry M claim that this range of nail polishes have a 'hi-shine' and gelly finish. In my opinion, this isn't the case. By itself, it gave pretty much the same shine as a regular Barry M nail paint- it wasn't dull, but there wasn't a noticeable difference in the amount of shine it gave compared to the standard Barry M polishes. When I applied a topcoat (there is a topcoat on in the picture on the right) I saw the amount of shine I was expecting to get from just the gelly polish alone. So this claim really disappointed me.

How did it last?

When I took this picture, it had been around 5 days of having the polish on and to be honest, it had just started to chip at the edges of the nails on the hand that wasn't show in the picture. This didn't seen too irregular for me for a Barry M nail polish, but I wish it would've lasted a bit longer as it may have redeemed itself in my opinions of it.

The Price

At £3.99, a pound more expensive than the regular Barry M nail paints, I don't think the extra pound is worth it to be frank. It doesn't live up to it's claim so I don't see why I would want to spend an extra pound on something that it doesn't actually do.

Overall, I'm not a happy bunny. I don't think I'll be buying anymore of these anytime soon. I'll probably come back to them at some point in the future to try them again to see if my opinion has changed but for now I'm rather disappointed. Barry M, I am not impressed!

Sorry this is such a negative post, but I thought my honest opinion may be helpful to some people who are on the fence about whether to buy this or not. Of course this is just based on my experiences of using it so others' opinions will definitely vary.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day whatever you're up to :)

Charlie x

(Disclaimer: all reviews are my personal opinion)

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