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Saturday, 12 October 2013

Super Facialist Mask by Una Brennan

For months, probably years even, I've been searching for the perfect face mask for my skin. My skin sounds quite complicated I think, I have an oily t-zone, some sensitivity and it can often be dry in places. It's often quite sore because of my acne cream as well. All of these factors mean it's always tricky to find skincare products that work for me. 

While shopping with my friend Ellen, she pointed this face mask out and suggested I buy it. I can't remember if she said she'd used it before but anyway that's irrelevant. It's called Super facialist by Una Brennan. It's a tea flower deep clean, pore purifying clay mask.

It smells very similar to Lush's 'Cosmetic Catastrophe' mask, which I love but it has to be stored in the fridge and can only be used for about a week before it goes off; very fresh and naturally smelling.

It's a very creamy consistency which creates a lovely smooth coating when applied to the face. It's cools my skin and relaxes me, so it's great to use when you're a bit stressed or are having a bath. I find though that it does sting a little bit when I put it on at first, but I think this is because it's just opening my pores and cleansing my skin. I've found a lot of face masks (even ones used when getting a facial) sting initially, but it disappears after about a minute. It also contains salicylic acid which helps to treat any spots (this doesn't help treat actual acne though, that needs proper acne treatment).

It washes off really easily when I use warm water and a flannel and afterwards leaves my skin feeling amazingly soft and fresh.. almost kind of bouncy if that makes sense, like it puts the life back into it and refreshes it. I recommend anyone tries this, as my skin seems to cover all bases in terms of dryness, oiliness and sensitivity and it really works for me!  

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day whatever you're up to :)

Charlie x

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