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Sunday, 8 September 2013

A Wee Word of Warning

Bon soir!
 Just a quickie post today to have a chat about a couple of things really.

Today (it's currently Friday night while I'm writing this) was my first day in sixth form and my first day of- I can't quite believe it- A-Levels. If anyone reading isn't from England (that would excite me) and you don't know what I'm rambling about, A-Levels are what you study for your final two years of secondary school. I've chosen to take: Music, Drama, Dance and English Literature (such an artiste darling).

A-Levels involve a hell of a lot of work, as my family, teachers and older friends keep trying to drill into me. As well as inevitably getting tonnes of homework, I have my part-time job every Saturday, piano lessons (and practise to do), ballet lessons (and practise to do) and in a few weeks will hopefully be starting the school musical *faints with excitement*. I get stressed so easily and know there will be several points over the foreseeable future where I'm going to be finding everything too overwhelming. 

The point I want to make is that I am still going to be blogging as much as I can, but my school work has to come first. I'm enjoying blogging so much, it's letting me unload my thoughts somewhere and to be able to see on the little bloglovin button that there are people actually following and reading my chatter makes it even more worthwhile.

I hope I'm going to be able to blog at least twice a week, most likely I will post on a Sunday evening (when I will sit down and blog after doing homework) and pre-write another to go up during the week. If I manage to do more some weeks then fabulous! 

Basically, just a word of warning that if I seem a bit more infrequent with my posting patterns, it's for a good reason. However I shall still be here, full of opinions and ideas to talk to you about. If you have been one of those spectacular people who has clicked 'Follow via bloglovin' up on the right there, then honestly I am sending you a bit fat hug wherever you are with lots of love and sprinkles on top <3

First day of Sixth Form- don't I look concerned

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day whatever you're up to :)

Charlie x

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